Sharing Music, Dancing, and Joy as Conduits to Inspiration and Hope
We are forever grateful to Jon Elliott,
our angel, mentor, and friend,
He taught us all: "MORE LIFE!"
We care deeply about the people we serve through our art
We are eager to hear our audience members' stories and dreams
Tailoring every program to each audience
Our audiences become treasured Friends through the years
They watch, they dance, they laugh, they cry, they dream ...
Afterwards, their silk flower bouquets remind them of the experience: the warmth, friendship, grace, and hope.
EVERYBODY Dances during our "7th Inning Stretch"
We Treasure What Our Audiences Tell Us.
"This was medicine for my soul."
"The emotions, thoughts, and visions that you guided us through with the dancers were the launching point of my recovery. I feel like a different man."

"You are a gift from God."

"This was one of the best nights of my Life. I love you."
"Now I can say that I touched a real ballerina."
"This is by far the most wonderful thing we've ever seen here."
"What a gorgeous show. It took me back ... Amazing."
"All of you are a true gift from God. I am moved beyond words."

"I have never stopped thinking about you all. And today you are here, and it is a miracle."
"This was so memorable. I'll remember it for the rest of my life."
"You brought me back to myself."
"The generosity of your spirit has overwhelmed me with love."

"I will remember tonight for the rest of my life."
"Watching the ballerina dance from her wheelchair made me realize I can dance, too."
"I wasn't sure that I would like this. I enjoyed every second. I'm so grateful I got to be here."
"I danced in New York. In this wheelchair I obviously can't do that anymore, but the Ballerina in the Wheelchair piece reflected exactly my own feelings and memories."
"I taught dance for many years. This brought it all back. Those were the happiest days of my life."

"Every moment of today with you was perfect."
"I've never seen anything like this before. So different for all of us. So beautiful."
"The days are not always easy for us. You made today something really special."

"I was transported."
"This was so heartwarming. I wish you could come back next week."
"Look at all of us. We're so much happier since you've come."

"I've been here a little while, and this is the best thing I've ever seen anywhere."
"What you do for me - for all of us - is beyond words."
"Oh, how we have looked forward to this. And now we will dream about it."

"This was the most glorious thing I've ever experienced here."
"My husband recently passed away, but today he and I were dancing together again."
"We all need to be reminded that such goodness and hope still exist."
"I had no idea what we were seeing today when we came in. Oh, my. Now I will close my eyes and see the beauty, hear the music and the words, and feel who I am again."

"I adored every minute of tonight. I will look at my flower and adore re-living it."
"I will remember tonight for the rest of my life."
"Even when it's really dark for us, you somehow bring the Light."
"You gave me your Joy. I felt it in you, and then I felt in in me."

"This was medicine for the soul."
"I'm going to be walking on a cloud for a long time."
"I feel that I know you all in my heart."

"Absolutely wonderful tonight! I can't wait to see you again."
"Exquisite. You took me out of myself."
"You made us all feel so special and valued."
"We were just talking here about encouraging young people not to use that 4-letter word - CAN'T - and to use that 3-letter word - TRY - instead. Being here today reminded us all to practice what we preach."

"You touched some really soft spots inside me today. Really soft. I'm crying but so thankful."
"One of the songs you danced was my graduation song. I feel so young and joyful again."
"You are like family to us."
"You are pure joy. From the moment you walk in here, we feel it."

"I grew up with dance. It was always part of my life. Today you brought it back to me."
"You all tried so hard today and gave us so much. I am so grateful."

"I can't get enough of this - of all of you. I will close my eyes and keep seeing it in my heart."
"My father used to tell us all: 'Never forget who you are.' I remembered today."
"It's so good for us all to see the Ballet and learn."
"I always said that I used to be a dancer. After today I realize I will always be a dancer."

"I can't believe how good you are to me and to all of us."
"You made today such a special day. I didn't want it to end."
"Being here today was a great privilege for me. You took my breath away."
"I'm going to keep this happy energy with me."

"Today was a dream come true!"
"I will keep trying and remember this and look at my flower."
"This is the best thing we've ever  had here ... I'm so glad I didn't miss it."
"I am so very, very old. But it's been years since I have felt this young."

"This brought tears to my eyes. I am so grateful I could be here."
"I have been feeling really low, but you lifted me up."
"This was gorgeous, and I can't believe how happy I am right now."
"There are so few things now that make him happy. This is one of them." [from a loving relative]
"You brought Spirit and Music together for us."

"I've never seen the the Nutcracker before. This was so meaningful."

"This was exquisite. I love dancing, and I love you."

"How I wish my wife had been here with me. But somehow I feel she was."

"I met my wife 61 years ago at a dance. I am grateful beyond words to be here with her today - watching you."

"I would walk through a snowstorm to see you."

"This brought me tears and smiles and joy. I loved it."

"It is really special to be able to bring Spirit and Music together and reach people. You did that for us today."

"I haven't done anything fun in ages. Thank you for the fun today."

"I have never seen anything so wonderful in my 92 years."

"Ballet Mobile is beyond compare."

"This was truly a Day at the Ballet."

"What an evening. NOW it's Christmas!"

"You made this beautiful story come alive for all of us. It was so inspiring."

"I feel young and alive."

"I feel young and alive."

"You reminded us that the most important thing is Love."

"Of all the shows I've seen in my life, I have never loved one this much."

"Grown men do cry. I cried today. And tears can be from joy. Just like today."

"My heart is aching, but it's a good ache that I haven't felt in a long time."
"You care so much about us, and we feel it."
"You reminded us that the most important thing in Life is Love."
"The only thing missing today was a handkerchief. I cried so many tears of happiness."

"Today was the first day of my healing, thanks to you."

"This is the first ballet I've seen in my life. I absolutely loved it."

"Thank you for a few hours of pure joy."

"I need you to keep coming back here forever."

"I am 101 years old, and I have never seen anything as grand as this. My goal now is to live to 105 so I can see you many more times."

"During my life I have seen more than 25 Nutcrackers. This was the best."

"You shared so much of yourselves with us today. Thank you."

"You made me feel that I could truly dance from my wheelchair, and I did!"

"You talked about Magic today. Well, you brought Magic to us. And that Magic was Love."

"I'm going to be thinking about this for a long, long time."

"You brought Magic to us. And that Magic was Love."
"I could forget about the pain."

"I have a very painful disease. I wake up every morning with it. The experience today made me so much better. I could forget about the pain."

"I have had the privilege of seeing all your Nutcrackers. This touched me the most."

"You look like you just stepped off Broadway!"

"I can still hear that gorgeous music in my heart."

"Spectacular dancing. Spectacular music. Spectacular afternoon."

"I'm a violinist. The music today made me weep with joy."

"This brought me back to being with my husband at the theater. Thank you."

"Best ballet I've seen and I've seen a lot of ballet."

"I felt so many different emotions today. I have not felt so much in a very long time."


"I never thought I'd be dancing today, but I was."

"I haven't feel so much in a very long time."

"You helped me see me, and not the wheelchair."

"So many, many years ago I danced at the Hippodrome. The nights were magical. Today was just as magical - maybe even more so because now I'm an old lady."

"I sit in this wheelchair. You helped me see me and not the wheelchair."

"What a gift you gave us. I will think of you on Thanksgiving with all the love in my heart." "I feel like a new person." "Your words came from your heart. The dancing was from the heart. And thanks to you, I have my heart again."

"I don't know much about Ballet, but today this really got to me. You really got to me."

"This was magnificent. I feel like I've been dancing all afternoon!"

"I learned more about Ballet this afternoon than I have in 90 years, and I loved every minute."

"I'd been counting the days until you were here. I needed you so much."

"This was the best show of any kind that I have ever seen in my 101 years."

"Ballet was never a favorite of mine. Today changed that. Now I understand how much I can feel when watching ballet. It was beautiful."
"My daughter danced for 15 years, and I remembered her dancing today. I haven't thought about that in a long, long time, and it brought me great joy."

"This was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I am so moved that I cannot tell you what's in my heart, but look into my eyes, and you will see."
"I thought I would never be a ballet fan. Today changed my mind."

"You really got to me."
"You helped us feel Love everywhere around us."

"I've been trying to breathe ever since the program ended. It was so beautiful."
"I'm not really a ballet fan, but I could watch this all day long and never get tired."
"I can't stop crying because everything meant so much to me." "During the past months we have talked and dreamed about your coming back to us. And here you are at last, and it means everything." "We are so appreciative of all you do for us."
"You help us feel Love everywhere around us."

"I loved this." "This was my first time watching ballet. It touched my heart." "I've never seen my residents more in the moment and attentive for so long."

"You transported me back 80 years ago."
"Every time I see you, I cry. Every time I love you more."
"I'm a musician and played so much of the music you brought us ... and tonight I danced to that music."
"I have every flower and card you sent during this pandemic and now I have this night to celebrate being with you again."
"I'll dream of you every night until I see you again."

"Every time I see you, I cry. Every time, I love you more."

"This was like church."
"This was the greatest gift we could have received..."

"This was like church." "I cried and cried tears of happiness when I looked at you." "All I felt today was joy." "You made my heart beat with love." "You made a sad day feel bright and sunny."

"We feel so lucky to have had the chance to see this." "This is the best afternoon I have ever had here." "You brought me so much joy that I could die happily right now." "This made me ready to face the new year." "Every single one of you mesmerizes every single one of us." "What an afternoon! "Not only did you capture my attention; you captured my heart."

"I saw your performance last year and it was lovely. I came again this year expecting to see the same thing. It was a completely different show! I loved the new music and themes that went along with it."
"I wouldn't miss your dancing for the world."

"I haven't talked about my opera singing days in a very long time. It was so long ago. But maybe it wasn't that long ago after all."

"The life you brought here tonight will sustain us all for a very long time." "This was the greatest gift any of us could have received today." "I feel so lucky being here today. I feel so much better, so much more like myself now." "I will be dancing with my flower until I see you again." "I don't know how you all make this happen for us - it is truly magical."

"Schubert's Ave Maria played at my wedding. This experience took me back there again and it was glorious." "I wish there was something as wonderful as this more often." "I feel silly with these tears running down my face, but I am proud to be able to feel what we experienced so deeply."

"I feel so much more like myself now."
"My heart is as light as a schoolgirl's!"

"I have never been so moved by ballet. This really touched me. I'll carry it with me." "As a Franciscan nun, I bless you. What a gift you bring these people." "I haven't seen a ballet in 50 years. And to see this special Nutcracker up close like this - all I can say is THANK YOU." "The lecture demonstration beforehand was so interesting. I might have liked that best of all."

"I was so proud to have my grand-daughter sit beside me to see this." "One moment was better than the one before. After today, my life will be that way, too." "I usually don't say much, but I feel like shouting to the heavens that I have found the music of my heart - that is how inspired and hopeful I feel." "Life. That is what you brought me." "I have waited and waited for you to be here again. And now I will count the days until you return."

"I am so grateful for today that I can hardly get the words out." "This is the most wonderful thing I have seen in a very long time." "You have so much love in your hearts. Thank you for sharing it with us." "This brightened my holiday season." "Spectacular performance. But more than that, a deeply moving and introspective opportunity for all of us." "My heart is as light as a school girl's!"

"What a wonderful, wonderful day." "This was the most creative work I have ever seen." "I am inspired by this uplifting afternoon. I am ready to get well." "I have always loved ballet, and I thought that I would never see it again. You gave it back to me today." "The music helped me so much." "I loved dancing with my flower. I was so happy."

"You bring us such beauty in such a gentle way. What a rare and treasured gift that is for all of us." "I am leaving here ready to dance and live. I feel inspired, as if God spoke to me through this experience." "When I get to Heaven I know I will be dancing as beautifully as everyone danced today." "The music will play in my heart forever." "Thanksgiving is just around the corner. I am so thankful that you all came here today."
"You bring us such beauty in such a gentle way."

"I have never been so moved by ballet. This really touched me. I'll carry it with me." "As a Franciscan nun, I bless you. What a gift you bring these people." "I haven't seen a ballet in 50 years. And to see this special Nutcracker up close like this - all I can say is THANK YOU." "The lecture demonstration beforehand was so interesting. I might have liked that best of all."

"I was so proud to have my grand-daughter sit beside me to see this." "One moment was better than the one before. After today, my life will be that way, too." "I usually don't say much, but I feel like shouting to the heavens that I have found the music of my heart - that is how inspired and hopeful I feel." "Life. That is what you brought me." "I have waited and waited for you to be here again. And now I will count the days until you return."

"I am so grateful for today that I can hardly get the words out." "This is the most wonderful thing I have seen in a very long time." "You have so much love in your hearts. Thank you for sharing it with us." "This brightened my holiday season." "Spectacular performance. But more than that, a deeply moving and introspective opportunity for all of us." "My heart is as light as a school girl's!"

"What a wonderful, wonderful day." "This was the most creative work I have ever seen." "I am inspired by this uplifting afternoon. I am ready to get well." "I have always loved ballet, and I thought that I would never see it again. You gave it back to me today." "The music helped me so much." "I loved dancing with my flower. I was so happy."

"You bring us such beauty in such a gentle way. What a rare and treasured gift that is for all of us." "I am leaving here ready to dance and live. I feel inspired, as if God spoke to me through this experience." "When I get to Heaven I know I will be dancing as beautifully as everyone danced today." "The music will play in my heart forever." "Thanksgiving is just around the corner. I am so thankful that you all came here today."
"You make us feel so proud to be Americans."

"Thank you for bringing back so many memories. You brought back things I hadn't even realized I'd forgotten." "I really loved the wheelchair piece. It brought tears to my eyes. You understood that I haven't always been in this wheelchair. It meant everything." "I was so moved. Look at me - I'm still crying." "Tonight was fantastic. I had no idea what I was going to see. I will count the days until you return."

"You changed my life today. I have been in this wheelchair for a year now, and I didn't know how I was going to live with it for another day. You helped me. You opened my heart and spirit. You reminded me that I must never let myself be defined by this wheelchair. I am still myself. I will always remember now." "I'm not a religious person, but this - the music, the words, the dancing - was a prayer." "This was an extraordinary experience. Every single minute."

"This was the high point of the entire summer for me." "I felt so many things today with you. Good things." "I've been looking forward to this so much, and now that you're here, I could burst with happiness." "This was such a perfectly coordinated program. I learned, I thought, I cried, and I will remember."

"Today made me think about my life. I have decided not to feel sorry for myself. This was just what I needed." "I fell in love with ballet years ago when I saw Fonteyn and Nureyev in Swan Lake. Today was so wonderful and made me fall in love with it all over again." "Sinatra's My Way is my favorite song, and to see it danced made me so happy." "I felt a connection with you all. You are real and caring. You see my heart."

"This was an unforgettable event. I will remember it for the rest of my life." "You gave me so many hugs just from the show itself." "I couldn't clap for you because I don't have control of my arms anymore, but I was clapping all night long in my heart." "To be this close to a real ballerina was a once-in-a-lifetime gift." "Thank you for giving us something was was truly superb."

"You make us feel so proud to be Americans!" "We enjoy it so much when you come to see us. I love it that the dancers warm up right with us in our living room." "I experienced all the emotions through the dancers today." "It makes us feel so good to have this special Independence Day ballet tradition."
"You woke me up from a dark place ...
I'm back in the light now."

"You touched my heart and made me so happy." "Thank you for taking me back to such happy times in my life." "I am overjoyed that you are here." "This was the most wonderful afternoon!" "I used to perform at the Hippodrome, and today I got to be there again!" "Bringing this to us is the greatest gift we could ever have."

"The dancing, the music, the words you gave us - everything spoke to me and touched me deeply. My life has been so difficult lately, and today gave me back some of my soul." "You have no idea how much it meant to have you recognize our military service." "We have never seen anything like this before." "This brought back memories that make me so happy."

"I felt down when I walked in here. Now I am like a new woman." "Thank you for honoring my service to our country today. You made me feel young." "Look at me - crying all over you with happiness." "You danced like angels." "I felt so many emotions. Sometimes I could see tears in your eyes as you danced. They're like my tears - from joy." "You woke me up from a dark place I have been for quite some time. But I'm back in the light now, and I am so grateful."
"What I felt today was Love."

"I wish you would start all over again right now." "This was so unexpected! I could listen to that music over and over again." "What's different about all of you is your spirit. We all feel that." "I had such fun watching you all work with one another. I know it's very hard work, but it really looks like you're having fun together. That is so special."

"You were out of this world." "What I felt today was Love. Truly Love. Everything was Love." "I've never been to a ballet before. I am so surprised and delighted. I loved all of it and you. You reminded me of things I've not thought about for too many years." "You are wonderful, wonderful people."

"What you all do is a labor of love." "I feel so much better now. We all do." "This felt like you were talking right to us." "You raised us up today. I feel my soul has been transformed." "My wife made me come today. I'm so glad I did. I loved it. I loved you. And now I love ballet."

"This brought out so many emotions in me." "This was truly a Spring Awakening." "I loved being able to sing along with you." "You brought me back to life." "Sometimes I forget that I haven't always been in this wheelchair. Today helped me remember that. I'll remember from now on." "We've never seen anything as beautiful as this." "So many years ago I took ballet and loved it. Now I remember why." "I'm 85. I guess it's time I let myself enjoy ballet like yours."

"I loved it. I love you. And now I love ballet."
"You bring such joy .. and leave it here for us to feel."

"You have made me love ballet. I never could understand it before. Now with the dancing, music, and explanations, I follow everything. I cry, I laugh, I feel. I love ballet." "This made me feel sentimental and brought me to happy tears." "I look at your faces, and I feel the emotion." "You have such giving hearts." "I was so sad when I came today without my wife because she's sick. You remembered her and me, and now I can hardly wait to give her her special flower and tell her everything."

"You bring such joy with you and leave it here for us to feel." "I felt so low when I came down today, but after this, how can I not feel better? You reminded me of how much I need the music." "Every single one of you is darling. I love you." "You have moved me beyond words. My tears are happy ones." "You are so good to us." "Today you have made me forget that I am 90. I feel young and beautiful. You did that."

"This afternoon was one of the best I have had with my father for so long. I will remember it always. He was even singing along as he watched." "You made me so happy today." "I feel very special, thanks to you." "You brought us all energy and love."

"I feel so ready for spring now!" "You have no idea what a lift this was for me. I will see it again and again in my head as I face the next few weeks and months. It has been so hard and I feel so alone. I don't feel as alone now." "You danced to all my favorite songs." "Every time you are here I love you more."

"Today brought me joy that I have not felt in a long, long time." "You all are medicine for my soul." "I felt a spirit come through me and I feel so great now." "I will remember this performance for the rest of my days." "It was a true gift from the Heavens that you gave me your pointe shoes to hold." "There is so much ugliness in our world, but you all prove that there is still love and light." "I use a walker now ... but listening and watching ... I was reminded that I am still the same person."

"I don't feel as alone now."
"I was reminded that I am still the same person."
"You took us out of our wheelchairs and back into ourselves."
"I love it every time you come here, and this time was the absolute best." "What joy you have for dancing, and what joy you shared with us today." "I saw myself in the story. We all did." "I felt this deeply in my heart. It was perfect."

"Genius. This whole performance was simply genius." "The compassion of the story brought me to tears. I loved every minute. I was so moved. I still am." "Now I understand why football players take ballet." "It was so special to watch this original Nutcracker with my best friend; we've been friends for 76 years." "Everything about this afternoon was a work of art." "I felt so lonely and sick, but then you encouraged me to come in and watch this. I will remember it and you for the rest of my life in my prayers."

"Magnificent. Just magnificent. So much to think about. So beautiful." "I wanted you to go on and on." "This was the best hour I've had in a very long time." "We used to work at the Royal Shakespeare Company in London so we know good performances. This was a good performance! What you all manage to do in such a small space is a miracle." "I was feeling so down after Christmas, but this lifted my spirits right back up."

"This really was a sequel to the traditional Nutcracker, and I loved every minute of it. It spoke to us all." "You pulled us all into the story, and we became part of it." "I will be thinking about today's show for a long, long time." "Thank you for helping us all remember that we were not always in our wheelchairs." "I absolutely loved the story, and you put such heart into it."

"You have made me so happy." "Now THAT was wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!" "Today was about me, about all of us. It was beyond excellent and beautiful. It took us out of our wheelchairs and back into ourselves." "I feel so much more hopeful after today."

"Your version of Nutcracker drew us all in and made us feel that it was truly about us. It was spectacular." "You bring so much joy. We don't get a lot of that anymore." "We were dancing with you." "You had us all in a peaceful silence as we became part of the story. We were right with you." "You made us feel bright on a very dreary day." "I feel blessed that I was here to experience this magnificent piece of art today."

"People like us forget to dream, but you remind us that there are still reasons to dream and to never give up hope." "You take the show out of the dark theater and into the light, and you share that light with all of us." "You remind me of the pebble in the pond that makes big ripples. Your presence is felt long after you've gone." "Exquisite. Masterfully put together and a true work of art." "When I watch you it feels like all is right with the world." "I feel like I went to church." "Every moment was a gift."

"I was transfixed by this very non-traditional Nutcracker. You brought new life to a classic story." "I've been your fan for almost 9 years, and today was the best ever." "I came here to pick up my mom and take her to lunch, but we decided to stay and watch. The performance ... reminded me to cherish the time we have together." "The story, the music, the dancing, and the voice-over were perfect. I'm only sorry that my wife wasn't here to see it with me. But it helped me remember the joy with not as much pain." "What you do is great indeed. You bring change. You take the truth we all face and help us find peace." "After today I promise that next year I will be dancing with you from my wheelchair."

"You helped me remember my joy with not as much pain."
"I will cry with joy whenever I think about this."

"I cried when you hugged me hello, I cried because the show was so touching, and then I cried because it was over." "When you come here, you make us all happier." "I smiled today because you looked into my heart and made everything so special." "I was dreading the holidays without my wife. I feel today that she was right here and that I can go on."

"I loved it last year, but this was even better. I always wondered what had happened to Clara, and now through this original version, we know. And the music! Just beautiful!" "This brought back so many memories - what a wonderful afternoon!" "It was so wonderful that I cried." "I enjoyed moving with our flowers. We all need that even if some of us can't get out of our chairs anymore."

"I lost my wife last week. This helped me - hearing the music, watching the dancing, and feeling her next to me." "It was pure happiness." "This was the best show I've ever seen. I will cry with joy whenever I think about it." "So many good memories of my life came back to me today, thanks to you." "We are so fortunate to have you come to us - such high-caliber art that moves us so much."

"I was lost in the artistry of today's experience." "I feel so strong and happy after this afternoon." "You have created a meaningful story that we all could relate to and that we all will remember." "This was the most poignant show I have ever seen." "We all melted away into the story you danced." "You made me want to stand up and dance with you, but I was happy just dancing with my flower." "You all are so good to us."

"I am crying and crying and crying and I never want this to end." "I was feeling so terribly low and sad today. Then I saw this. You have given me the courage to keep believing that I can go on." "I have been so unwell - one thing after another - but nothing would have kept me from this experience today. Nothing." "So uplifting - from the moment I walked in." "The music, the dancing, the story - it was perfect."

"You are a blessing to everyone who gets to see you." "This show is so different, truly relevant and meaningful for all of us in the audience." "This show reminded me how important our memories are."  "My husband wouldn't want me to be sad anymore, and today helped me realize that." "You must have heard my heart talking."

"This was the most wonderful birthday present I could ever wish for." "You told my story today." "What music! And the story captured the lives of everyone of us here." "This was the story of us." "This afternoon has inspired me. I saw myself and my life every single minute - through every dance and all the music."
"You made the music come alive and heal us all."
"What a beautiful afternoon. I was transported." "I will let myself feel the joy you brought us for a long, long time." "Today brought tears, and I feel so uplifted." "Today made me think - about how long dance has existed, about Nietzsche and his thoughts, about beauty..." "You helped us all hear the music of our souls." " "If dancing makes you all happy the way you've made all of us happy today, then I hope you will dance forever."

"You helped me fall in love again. I realized how lucky I am to be able to hold her hand." "I am standing here in awe holding my flower in tribute." "Every night I hold my flower and dance in my heart before I go to sleep." "How am I now? I am a different person. I feel love again." "Once again you made the music come alive and heal us all."

"I cried and cried because today brought back so much joy." "I have seen many ballets, but none of them has meant as much to me as this - seeing this beauty so close and having the music speak to me so personally." "I am renewed."

"What a difference you have made in my life." "Your programs mean so much to me."  "What you do is so good for my head - and my heart." "Thank you for giving us this incredible gift." "I will look at my flowers and I will remember you - and I will remember who I am."

"You really got my energy going." "It felt so good to move and smile." "You made my day." "I  used to go to Washington D.C. to see the ballerinas, but today the ballerinas came to me!"
"You lifted all my sadness up to Heaven. Now I feel only joy."

"Nothing could ever be better than this afternoon." "I will dream tonight, thanks to you." "On a bad day, I will think about this performance and it will bring joy to my heart." "You brought light to my darkest days." "It was as if God brought you here today to help me find a way through my loss." "A ballerina dancing right in front of us, helping us all dance again."

"What a beautiful afternoon. I will remember it always." "I will be counting the days until your return." "A wonderful afternoon - I felt so alive." "These flowers are magical. They make me young again. You all make me young again." "It was as if her smile touched my soul. I have not experienced anything like this for a long, long time."

"You brought such a beautiful spiritual energy here today, and it is within all of us now." "You lifted all my sadness up to Heaven. Now I feel only joy." "My daughter danced with Andre Eglevsky long, long ago. Massine, Reed, they were all there. You brought it all back to me. I remember it all now." "We will always be in one another's hearts." "After this, I will dance again."

"This was so much fun!" "Today reminded me of my Nanny, who told me that no matter how hard life gets it, it is still yours to live. You have made me so happy." "You brightened my whole life when you remembered me today." "I wish I could watch this on TV over and over."

"Thank you for an afternoon that I have been living for." "I've never seen anything like this before, and I loved it." "I was one of Tanaquil Le Clercq's and Jerome Robbins' medical doctors. I knew George Balanchine, and I know dancers. Your dancers are very, very good."
"I'm crazy about you all."

"We have gone to the Kennedy Center all our adult lives. We probably won't ever go again - especially now that you're here and you will visit us." "I wasn't sure what to expect today, but this was amazing." "I liked everything. I just want more and more!"

"I'm crazy about you all." "Sitting and watching this relaxed us so much. It made us feel joy." "This afternoon will sustain more for a long, long time." "You raise us up and remind us who we are." "I love what you all bring us: Hope."

"A perfect afternoon. You make everything so nice." "You brought light to my rainy day and my heart." "I loved the different kinds of music and dances. I danced right here in my wheelchair." "I feel that you understand my darkness and are helping me into the light."

"What a magical partnership!" "I love it when you come and dance with us." "I feel so happy."

"I couldn't imagine how you could dance on your toes right here in our dining room, but you DID - and so beautifully!" "I never dreamed I would see something like this again." "I learned so much this afternoon." "My wife has been gone for a few years now. Today you brought her back to me."

"My dad is usually fast asleep at this time, but look at him now. Awake and so happy. Thank you, thank you, thank you!" "I always feel so much better after your shows and visits." "A little bit of the Kennedy Center right here in our living room! Absolutely marvelous!"

"The wonderful thing about ballet is that the traditions get passed down. I am so happy to see another generation dancing the ballet traditions. Thank you for keeping it alive." "I feel so much more energized now after this afternoon." "I studied with Martha Graham. I felt her here with us today." "I cried almost the entire time because everything was so beautiful."

"I wish you all would just move in here with us." "This afternoon was everything to me. It made my dreams come true." "Every dance, every song, every piece of music made me so happy." "I feel like we started celebrating the minute you arrived. Celebrating Life."

"This was the best show I have ever seen in my life. I am a new woman!" "I loved the variety of music. I was so happy that we celebrated our country and our armed forces." "I love how Ballet Mobile brings all of us together and out of our rooms." "We'll be talking about this at the dinner table tonight and for a long, long time." "Every minute was a blessing today." "Thank you for not forgetting us."
"I will always remember you
as the sweetest people in the world."
"This was such a thrill. I sat watching the clock all morning until it was time." "Thank you for wiping away my tears. I'm crying because all of you are so beautiful." "I'm so happy now, and I wish we could just do it all over again." "You have no idea what today meant to me." "Every time you come here I love you more."

"This program was so unusual because it reached the deeper parts of all of us." "The explanations made everything so meaningful. I've never enjoyed anything more." "I've seen the Ballets Russes, and loved it. I'm so happy I was alive to see this today."

"I've loved you for eight years, and I can't wait for the next time you're here." "You bring us so much joy." "I love the music, moving to the music, and feeling as if I'm dancing." "This was superb, an experience that will stay with me for a long, long time." "Thank you for your words that spoke to my heart through the dancing and the music."

"On behalf of all of us sitting and living here, from the tips of our fingers to the tips of our toes, we have never seen anything more magnificent than what we saw today." "I love it when you come here." "You are my friends. Thank you for remembering me."

"It was like being in Heaven today." "There is nothing that can compare to this." "I tell everyone when you're coming that 'my girls are coming!'" "God bless you for taking my mind off my troubles for a little while." "I love my flower, but all of you are flowers, too." "You brightened my life like little lights."

"What you do is pure love." "Thank you for this beautiful gift to all of us today." "I cannot tell you what this meant to me today. I am renewed." "Your relationships with one another and with us remind us what Love truly is." "I will always remember you as the sweetest ballerinas and people in the world." "This was magical."

"You brought God to me today." "Your kindness helped me heal today." "I am so sad, but after today, I remember Beauty."

"This brought tears to my eyes and made my entire year." "You made us so very happy today." "When you went on your knees to talk to us in our wheelchairs, my heart melted." "I love that we get to dance through the whole show." "I've been having such a hard time. You raised me up. You raised us all up."
"It is remarkable that you bring such beauty to us."
"I needed this. I was so low that I was afraid. I think I can go on now." "I didn't want to miss a moment of today's performance. So engaging!" "What a wonderful afternoon for us to remember."

"I've seen ballet all over the world, and I have to say that this is the best I've ever seen. I'm really taken with it." "We don't get out to see anything like this anymore, so it is remarkable that you are able to bring such beauty to us." "We needed this today. It spoke directly to our hearts."

"This is the first ballet I've ever seen ... so perfect." "I've never enjoyed the Nutcracker so much." "I'll always remember this because of how it made me feel." "I'm going to dance around in my room later and think about today."

"You left me with something in my heart." "There are so many terrible things in the world to be upset and worry about. Then you watch something like this and you realize maybe there is still enough goodness in all of us to make the world better." "I cried and cried. You made me so happy and so sad. I haven't felt so much in years." "I'm not ready for today to be over." "I will look at my flower and wait for you to come back."

"Mr. Balanchine was my teacher. It was so long ago. But today it didn't seem that long ago." "Thank you for bringing the music back inside us today. We really needed it." "This is the most amazing thing I've ever seen: a ballerina up close to me like this." "Multo bella!"

"You gave us a very rare opportunity: to make this experience all about us and to find ourselves in the music and the dancing." "I'm so glad I didn't miss this. I'll never forget it. I've never seen anything like it." "I came because I wanted to touch a real ballerina."

"You all floated across the floor and took me with you." "I came here for just a few minutes. It didn't take long before I decided to stay for the whole show. It was so beautiful." "I never use the word 'very', but you all were 'very, very good'." "I feel that I can get well now."

"You are truly angels."
"You have blessed us."

"Thank God you came here today." "These tears in my eyes are because you all touched my heart." "You made us feel so much better." "Your beauty and kindness warm my very soul." "Most of us would never have seen anything like this today. You have blessed us."

"Your shows give me something to look forward to." "Watching you makes my heart warm." "I don't usually come to any activities here, but this one I would never miss." "I am so glad that we could dance with you all afternoon." "It meant so much to me to be here."

"I had a good time today." "Thank you for the music." "I love my flowers." From a staff member: "You made it possible for all of us to learn a great deal today."

"What big hearts you all have!" "I felt a little silly moving my arms at first, but the music told me that I had to do it. It was so inspiring." "An exquisite evening!" "I'm 82 years old, and this was my first ballet. If you had told me before tonight that I would be looking forward to my next ballet, I would have told you that you were crazy! Now I can't wait." "This made my whole holiday season."

"In all my years, this is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen! And I'm old!" "This was so much fun - it made me feel alive." "You all are truly angels."

"I felt so renewed and energized, as if I could get up and dance with you." "I haven't felt anything like this is a long time. I had tears." "Thank you for making us feel like we matter so much." "God bless you for being here today." "I cannot tell you how much this meant to me. I never thought I liked ballet, but this totally changed my mind."

"I've seen more Nutcrackers than I care to admit. This one spoke to my heart as no other." "Today healed us all." "Your shows make us all so happy. I will look at my flower and I will be happy just like I am now."

"This is the most wonderful thing that has happened to me in such a long time." "You embody the true meaning of Christmas: Love." "You make us feel so good where it matters - in our hearts." "Your programs are one of the highlights of living here."

"Now I can die. With this beauty inside me, I am ready." "I will look forward to your next visit and look at my flowers everyday until then." "I could see the love you have for us." "You brought a miracle here today."

"This was a deeply spiritual experience for me." "I have not felt this inspired in many years." "You've left me with much to think about. I will reflect on this for days to come." "It was as if the words, the music, and the dancing spoke directly to my heart."

"DYNAMITE with TWO exclamation points!!" "This made me feel great comfort. It was so uplifting." "I was blown away." "I was grinning from ear to ear as I watched."

"I've been going through a hard time. This made me happy, and I'm so grateful to you." "Today brought back happy memories of my wife." "You brought the holiday spirit here to stay."
"You woke up my soul today."
"You put us all in such a good mood. I feel so good." "I don't see how this could get any better." "You make us feel younger and alive." "It's hard to explain, but I feel like myself again." "You woke up my soul today."

"I dreamed of this for weeks, and it was so much better than I had even hoped! I won't sleep tonight because I will be seeing all the colors and beauty and music and dancing." "Tonight will get me through the holidays."

"What you do is so good for all of us - for the patients and staff alike. We need this. We need you." "You bring us courage and hope." "You have made this the happiest Thanksgiving of my life."

"You touched my heart today. I will never forget." "I enjoyed this Nutcracker more than the ones I used to see in NYC. It was warm and intimate, with the dancers so close and the music so beautiful. What a difference." "I have seen many Nutcrackers, but today I could understand and appreciate everything - and when I danced with my flower, I was truly dancing with all of you." "This was Heaven. In Heaven there will be music and dancing just like this."

"I will think of this tonight, tomorrow, next week, and forever - and it will always bring a smile to my heart." "What a Thanksgiving treat. We are thankful for you!" "You brought such happiness to all of us today." "I was right up there with you all - remembering, loving it, and living it again."

"This was Heaven."
 "I watched my whole life today." "This touched me deeply." "This was about a ballerina, I know, but it was really about every single one of us." "My wife is gone now, but I felt her with me every minute." "This was remarkable because there was no candy-coating, it was all genuine, and it was so loving." "Everyone in this room was moved. Everyone was so in tune to the music, the narration, and the beautiful dancing."

"I am so glad that I was alive to see this today." "As I watched, I was here in this room and I was also not here - reliving some wonderful memories right from my wheelchair." "You made me proud of all that I am and all that I can still do."

"Remarkable." "Tonight I watched my life in front of me. I'm in a wheelchair now and I was feeling very sorry for myself. This helped me. I feel better. I am better." "Everyone should see Chapters. Then they will understand."

"This afternoon transformed who I am." "We have never had anything like this before. You helped me feel things I haven't felt in so many years." "This was so genuine, truly a gift from the heart." "I felt as if all the people I have loved in my life were right here with me - and they still are."

"You did a wonderful ministry for all of us today." "You took a dull, nothing day and made it one of the best." "What music you brought us today. You helped us find our own music." "You touched us all in this room - residents, staff, loved ones, friends. We are so glad we could be here."

"Your performance reminded me that even on a rainy day, the sun is shining above the clouds." "The music and the ballet made something happen inside me. I'm in tears just thinking about it." "This entire experience was truly beautiful." "This was my first performance here, and I am overwhelmed by the caliber and professionalism."

"God made sure that I was here today." "Watching you made me feel that yes, I can do my exercises and I need to be kinder to myself..." "What you did today made my life so much better."

"This was such a touching experience - it was so much more than just a performance." "You put your whole hearts into every second of what you do, and you raise our spirits beyond words." "What a magnificent day - an afternoon very well spent."

"Not many days are happy ones for us, but you made today a happy day." "Watching you all dance was like watching butterflies fluttering around - bringing us joy." "You made this day ten times more beautiful. You brightened our whole week." "We don't feel good about ourselves very often, but we felt good today." "We know that what you do takes so much work. But it is worth it because you make us so very, very happy."
"That was MY life the ballerina was dancing."

"When your ballerina came out in that tutu, it was the most gorgeous thing I have ever seen." "You really moved us and made us so happy." "You had me with tears in my eyes and bouncing in my seat." "I felt that I was dancing with you all the entire time." "In all the years I have been here, I have never seen anything so beautiful."

"I am euphoric." "I'm never going to forget this because of how it made me feel." "You were wonderful. More than wonderful!" "You made us laugh, made us cry - and  helped us feel good again."

"This was the most fun ever!" "This is indeed a magical partnership between our students and Ballet Mobile." "You bring your joy along with all your love and positive energy."

"I was dancing the entire time right here in my wheelchair." "Everything today - the music, the dancing, the narration - was an incredible testament of love." "You were amazing last time you were here, and you were amazing today. Bravo!" "What a treat. An afternoon of beauty and thought for our souls."

"Thank you for telling my story today. I've been in a wheelchair most of my life. Watching Chapters made me feel that you really understand how I feel and who I am." "Chapters brought back so many emotions. I loved it." "This was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." "I loved how we were able to understand and see everything so close up."

"What an invigorating and inspiring evening." "This was better than anything I've ever seen on Broadway." "You don't know how much we all look forward to your shows. You bring joy every time you're here, and you leave it with us." "I wouldn't miss one of your programs for the world." "You made my summer!"

"I hope you know how grateful we all are for how much of your lives you devote to this - and to us." "You made me feel so young again." During the ballet Chapters, I was right there on the dance floor. That was my life the ballerina was dancing. I loved it." "There was such variety of music and dances. It was all so moving and uplifting." "I have two vases of Ballet Mobile flowers. They help me every single day."

"Today really made me think. After today I no longer feel handicapped. I am whole despite my wheelchair. I am myself." "I loved every moment of today." "I was so sad when I came today. You recognized my sadness and let the light in." "I feel lighter and more hopeful."

"You changed my life today." "The new ballet Chapters was like I was watching my life." "You have made me so happy."

"I will look at my flower and remember this wonderful afternoon." "You made us think. You helped us remember." "Thank you for sharing their passion today." "You all really raised us up today." "You gave us all part of your grace." "I never thought I would see anything this beautiful ever again."

"You had a message for us today. I got the message. I love the message. I loved this." "You bring spirit with you. It's like being in church." "I loved Chapters. It really took me somewhere." "This meant so much to me."

"We all love Life here, but when you visit us, we love it even more." "You looked so good. I love you. It means so much to me when you come." "We were dancing and singing all afternoon!"

"When you do something like this and do it so well, it makes us older people really feel something. It gives us hope." "When you dance, you open everyone's eyes." "I cannot tell you how impressive this was. To be able to watch it up close is such a gift."

"I can only place my hand over my heart and say thank you." "You message is always important to us - that it isour spirits that matter and that you do not forget us." "I hope you know how much it meant to us to have you with us today."

"We are so grateful for you." "Exquisite. Amazing. I can't come up with enough adjectives to describe this experience." "You danced just for me, and I loved every minute."

"I am leaving filled with awe."
"You bring Life to us."
"What you bring to us is more than dancing. It is a touch of culture, a touch of beauty." "Susan went into the music and became what all of us dream about from when we were six years old." "You helped me find the music in my heart." "This moved me beyond words. I close my eyes and see it all." "You bring life to us when you are here."

"Here I am - a grown up old man - and this made me cry today. But what it really did was mke me realize how alive I am." "Today was perfect." "I needed this so much. You will never know." "I am so thankful to have been here." "All of you are beautiful dancers and beautiful people - real people."

"We are blessed to have been here today." "You had us all dancing. I was dancing!" "Thank you for showing us this kind of love today." "What's better than having a ballet performance in our very own living room? Nothing!!" "You have given me inspiration." "This was the most beautiful show I have ever seen in my life."

"What you did today was so uplifting to all of us." "It's all about all of us working together to make every moment matter. You made that happen this afternoon." "I will always remember you."

"This was eye-opening." "This ballet class means so much to my mother, and I can't believe all she is able to do!" "I came here to be nice. I'm leaving here filled with awe at what I experienced." "This was so far out of my mother's comfort zone, and what she did up there today was so beautiful it made me cry."

"It is so good to be together again." "This was the most fun afternoon!" "Thank you for all you do for our students. You show them that you really love them and that what they do matters."

"I will stay alive so that I can see you again."
"We shared moments of incredible beauty today."
"I am young again."

"I'm not so afraid anymore."

"You helped my mother remember who she is, and you helped me remember how much I love her."
"Once again you brought real magic here."
Mrs. Susan Eidenberg, whose insights inspired Ballet Mobile's original Nutcracker 2018.
Ballet Mobile's award-winning sculpture pirouetted through Baltimore in the 2015 American Visionary Art Museum's Kinetic Sculpture Race, "Kitri" represented the essence of Ballet Mobile's mission: to share joy and hope through dance and music.